Presentación consorcio universidades

Se presenta en la Universidad de Valladolid el consorcio de universidades que desarrolla la tecnología que aportará España a la nueva misión a Marte de la NASA La presentación se ha celebrado el 16 de diciembre del 2016 en la sala de prensa del Palacio Santa Cruz, contando con la presencia de Fernando Rull (director

Presentación del consorcio de universidadesLeer más »

Another step in the development of SuperCam. These days in taking place the SUPERCAM PDR meeting in Los Alamos National Laboratory. PDR stands for Preliminary Design Review, and is an important milestone in the development of every instrument. In this meeting the different teams and participants in the instrument, including this team, expose their work and advances

SuperCam PDRLeer más »

Jarosite in Martian environment

Raman analyses of thermolabile samples in various Martian conditions: implications for ExoMars Guillermo Lopez-Reyes, Rafael Navarro, Aurelio Sanz-Arranz, José Antonio Manrique and Fernando Rull The Raman Laser Spectrometer instrument (RLS) onboard the ExoMars rover will fly to Mars in 2018. This rover will provide powdered samples to a suite of instruments inside the analytical laboratory

AGU 2015Leer más »